A Story of Rain and More Rain – Lot Conditions… Suck! 6/25

The best laid plans. Certainly the land developer will have more than enough time in 2019 to move dirt for Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the project.


So Ohio has experienced record rainfalls, beating records going back 150 years. Additionally, Miami County has experienced even more rainfall than the rest of Ohio, basically meaning it’s a mucky mess.

But our grass is green. If we had grass.

Our feature photo today is of a crane truck being used on our lot to lift and set into place the fully constructed wall panels. As you can see the truck was backed up on some particle board for traction, and then lifted and held in place by a couple of 2×6’s nailed together, making the truck on level ground. Normally the ground around our build site would have been properly graded to provide a flat surface with which to work. The ground however is loose and muddy with giant sunken divots remaining from the installation of utilities.

Our lot has loads of work to be done to it. The catch basin area near the northeast corner of the lot stays wet and flooded, the southeast corner of the lot has 30 tons of boulders being temporarily stored there. I’m wondering how we got so lucky to have our lot with such amenities.

I’ve done my bit to negotiate effort from Ryan Homes and Talismanic Properties to tighten up this ship. Hopefully Mother Nature will shine down upon us soon so that all this work can be done soon.

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