Definition: A homeowners association (HOA) is an organization in a subdivision, planned community or condominium that makes and enforces rules for the properties and their residents. Those who purchase property within an HOA’s jurisdiction automatically become members and are required to pay dues, known as HOA fees.
We’ve never been involved in an HOA before. Let alone paid an HOA to do things.
I like the HOA’s that do things to benefit its residents. Ones that shovel walkways, build and maintain pools and park areas, and plant pretty things in the neighborhood every year. It doesn’t sound like the Cedar Grove HOA is such an HOA at the current moment.
Right now, it’s sort of an arbiter of rules for when people ask for things dealing with their property. They will get approved or disapproved. Can I have a fence? Can I have a pool? Can I have a rocket launcher?
I’ve reviewed the HOA documentation for Cedar Grove, and while I don’t take issue with anything in it at the current time, I have a weird feeling that I’ll want something later on down the line, and it’s gonna get shut down. Time will tell.
Until then, here are the HOA covenants, updates, and associated documentation. Judy appears to be updating them sort of as she goes, so consider these a point in time thing.
Cedar Grove Amendment #1 to CCR’s-AS RECORDED
CG -out buildings 2nd Amd to Declaration 3-27-19
CG2 3rd Amd to Declaration 3-1-19
Cedar Grove Tipp City HOA contact info