Newsflash: Phase 2 to receive mail in “mail clusters”

What do you think of when you see these?




Not single family homes priced between $300k and $400k, right?
Well according to Ryan Homes, they have done, and intend to do, absolutely ZERO things to prevent these monstrosities from popping up in that green space between Phase 1 and Phase 2.

Some Background
Federal guidelines made to “cut costs” of the USPS that has been hemmorhaging cash for decades state that all new construction should be either curbside or cluster box delivered. That said, they prefer cluster box as they believe it will save them more money (of course, no studies have been shown this to be the case).

We were promised by Roxanne (our Ryan Homes sales person) that we would have curbside delivery, and we even chatted about the mailbox to be placed outside our home. Promises aside, this means that there will only be curbside mail delivery for those who live in Phase 1 of the subdivision. Those in any future Phase will be picking their mail up in that green space next to that first new build in Phase 2 on the right. (wonder if that homeowner knows the new house they are building will be next to a 50-unit mini post office where people will be congregating at all hours of the day and night?)

So.. I’ve chucked a note in the email to Tipp City’s City Manager, Representative Warren Davidson, and Senator Rob Portman to see if they can get this situation wrangled.

Thanks Ryan Homes for being super upfront and transparent with your lack of planning on this. Again. I have to do your work for you.

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